Saturday, March 1, 2008

Yummy Baked Apples

My son Isaiah loves apples. My daughter Autumn will eat them sometimes. I tried this recipe from they loved them and so did I. They made them as a healthy dessert, but I made them as a snack. Here is the recipe from the site I made my own comments in parenthesis.

  • 4 Granny Smith or Golden Delicious apples (I used golden delicious)

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice, or 1/2 a lemon

  • 1 tablespoon of honey

  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, divided

  • 1 tablespoon butter

Preheat oven to 275 degrees (I did 350 degrees b/c I'm impatient but they turned out fine and cooked faster). Cut apples into slivers and put in a mixing bowl. Squeeze in the juice from half of a lemon. Pour in honey and almost all the cinnamon, save a little for the top. Mix everything together well. Put the apple mixture into a pie dish. Cut the butter into small cubes and scatter on top. Sprinkle the rest of the cinnamon over the butter and apples. Cover and put in the oven for 50 minutes or until apples are soft. Serve warm or at room temperature. These are sweet enough alone, but a small bit of warm maple syrup for dipping is good too!